What is your Motive?
Prophetically written by: Apostle Dr. Larry D. Sims, D.Min.
Isn’t it amazing how we in church we do so much stuff. We are on so many boards and committees. We sing, preach and testify. You carry the Pastor’s briefcase and bible. You get them water and are right there to meet their every beckon call. But the Lord says “What is your Motive?”
What is the motivation behind your service? Are you serving out of the goodness of your heart or are you serving to get something? Are you serving because you think that will make the pastor ask you to preach more the other Ministers? Are you serving the pastor because you want to take over his work or even steal his Vision? Are you serving because you are seeking position and prestige? What is your Motivation?
If the Pastor or spiritual head of your church came in and stripped you of every position, could you still serve them faithfully? If the Missionary board chairman rejected your idea, could you still serve on the board faithfully? Are serving on the board to be noticed by people or is it coming from your heart?
Many times we treat God the same way as we do people. Now ask yourself, why am I serving God? Are you serving him because you love him or because he can give you stuff? Why are you living a Christian life? Is it because you were taught that’s the way to live or is it because you have a personal relationship with God.
Why do you go to church? Is it just to show off how spiritual you “THINK” you are? Is it to show off your new dress or suit? Is it to hear the word of God for your life, or is it so you can say that you go to the “Who’s Who” church? Are you going in hope to receive a word or to get confirmation to what God has showed you in your private prayer time?
What is your motivation for ministry? Is it to minister to souls or make you look like something? Are you working to set people free or just to exalt yourself over others. Ask yourself what is your motivation?
So many times our flesh is so blind to the fact that if we have the right motivation we can convince ourselves to do anything. Many of us if we really be honest with God and ourselves can say that we have some wrong motivations. So many people serve with a preconceived agenda. We serve when we can see the benefit for us. Most people don’t serve out of the love in there heart, but out of “What’s in it for me?”
So many people in this hour treat God like our own personal genie. We place him on the shelf until we need something and then we go to him expecting him to perform. God is not a genie! God has a personality and feelings. Just think, if your husband or wife only married you because of what you could give them or offer them, how would you feel? What if the only time you saw them is when they wanted something? How would you feel? So many people treat God the same way.
How would you feel if your husband or wife came to talk to you and they said everything they want you to know and hear and then got up and left, never hearing how you wanted to respond. How would your marriage work like that? So how can your spiritual life be productive? So many times when we pray, we tell God and command God and get right up never waiting to see if God has anything to say.
How many trials could we have avoided if we simply had of listened. What’s really in our hearts as it relates to God? Do we have a genuine love and concern for God, or do we want what God can give us.
God wants a people to love him for him, not having any preconceived agenda. If you go after him there’s nothing that He wouldn’t give you. But, what is your motive? If God blessed you tomorrow would you still be faithful? Would you pay your tithes? Could you still give someone a ride that needs it? Would you still come to church on Sunday instead of staying home and cleaning your house? Will you take the blessing and run or would you offer it back to God.
God is looking for a people with a pure heart that wants him not for what he can do but simply because they want a relationship with him. The key to opening God’s hand is to open his heart.
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